On-site Event Checkin & Access Control

One of the most powerful tools that CONREGO offers is used for smooth and efficient attendee check-in at the conference.

Smooth attendee control during the event

...is possible with the help of CONREGO's three basic modules that are used for: the reception of incoming attendees, access control during the course of the event, and current reporting of many event statistics.

Reception of conference or congress attendees

No matter what kind of event you organize, smooth attendee check-in is key. The organizer has lots of duties and not much time, while unsatisfied guests may complicate the situation even more. The check-in will be surely easier and faster with a solution which allows us to:

Attendee flow and access control

The Access Control module has 2 basic functions:

The use of these functions require the application of badges with QR codes and laptops with codes readers. The number of stands, or checkpoints, depends on the structure of the venue and the estimated number of guests. Every stand provided with the equipment (by reading the QR code placed on the badge) can smoothly handle attendees entering a conference room. CONREGO software will inform the staff in a legible way (with the help of color codes) about the result of the readout.


(permission to enter) means that the attendee is on the list of people with the right to enter the conference room.

(permission to enter denied) the attendee uses an authentic badge but has no right to attend a particular session.

the attendee uses e.g a fake badge and the code is not assigned to any attendee in the database.

Information center

This feature is a source of information about all aspects of the ongoing event managed with CONREGO sotware. The convenient interface allows you to know the situation in particular rooms, get information about upcoming events and attendance rate forecast. Extensive reports will provide you with information about:

The package of information available to the organizer in the standard version of CONREGO is very extensive. Upon request, we can make any modifications or completely new reports as part of the registration software implementation.

During the implementation of the registration system, we will help you with: