QR Codes and Their Applications in CONREGO

They were designed by Denso-Wave from Japan, back in 1994, and were intended for storing large amounts of data – and it is not without reason that they have been so popular in the world of events and with Event Managers.

QR Codes and Their Applications in CONREGO

QR codes have been around (and appreciated) for quite some time in nearly every branch of industry. But let’s be more specific – why is it worth using them?

QR code capabilities

The first time that QR codes were used as a part of CONREGO was in 2013, during the IT Challenges Forum for Hewlett-Packard Polska. The codes placed on event badges were scanned during check-in, at entrances to conference rooms, and at exhibitors’ stands. They enabled the staff to identify attendees and their access rights to various zones with lightning speed. We were completely satisfied with that solution. Why?

The two-dimensional format of a QR code makes it possible to read the code at any angle. The use of QR codes reduces the risk of reflecting the ray emitted by a reader off glass surfaces. In addition, QR codes can be easily read from screens of mobile devices or in an environment full of natural light, which is not the case with barcodes. All these features constitute the definite advantages of QR codes but the truth is that the best is still ahead of us.

Many more applications

Our event management tool offers additional applications for QR codes generated by the system on entry passes, conference badges, or in email messages that confirm registration. By scanning the QR codes with their phones, attedees can use the following functions:

A website, file or mobile app address

This solution makes it possible to add a link to the QR code of every attendee that redirects them to the agenda published on a responsive event registration website or to a website that offers other useful information about speakers, logistics, special accompanying events, or a contest entry form. And that is not all, as nothing stands in the way of QR codes to be hard-coded with the address of a mobile application, such as MeetingApplication.com.

Networking between attendees

You will easily make every QR code redirect to a VCF file created on the go if, during the registration process phase, you have designed an appropriate clause for your attendees that enables them to give consent for their personal data to be disclosed to other attendees. It will have an immediate result – by scanning QR codes of other participants, attendees will be able to save their personal data in their smartphones (name, last name, email address, and phone number). It is both a very quick and immensely useful solution!

You can’t afford to buy QR code readers?

Not a problem! You surely have some Android or iOS devices at your disposal. And that's enough to install CONREGO Check-In Moblie App and enjoy all the features of the Event Check-in module (with the exception of printer support) and QR codes. It will let you organize efficient check-in and access control checkpoints on budget. Even if you prefer traditional hardware like laptops and QR code readers, it is still worth downloading the app. It allows you to access the most important information about the event - always at hand.

Łukasz Krawczuk