Event Registration Platform as a Tool in Marketing Campaigns
How did the idea of using event registration software to carry out a cashback come to life and why was it a bullseye? In today’s interview, our questions will be answered by Kasia Dulemba, Polymus Account Manager.
How to Check Network Connection at the Conference Venue?
The internet is indispensable in today's world. You can realize this if you recall the moment you wanted to access it and there was no connection.
How Did Nobell Congressing Dominate the Niche of Accommodation Booking?
Nobell Congressing has been very successful and continues to grow. Today, we publish an interview with Kasia Wejsis, who talks about the company where she connects the jobs of Venue Finder and Event Manager.
Unwanted Guests at an Event
Confident, almost relaxed. They meld into the crowd with that “I-belong-here” look. The poker face and aura of confidence are to hide that they are intruders.
How to Design and Personalize Conference Badges?
In today's article, we offer a number of recommendations regarding proper design of badges for event attendees.
Case Study: RhinoForum 2016
This article is dedicated to giving you details about an event organized by the Polish Rhinology Society. We have supported that society for many years – we have worked together since March 2012.
Best Equipment for Fast Event Check-In & Access Control
In order to handle reception areas at an event smoothly and efficiently, you need a well-prepared set of tools and personnel capable of using them.
Case Study: XXIV International PSAVA Congress
It was professional, impressive, and demanding. There was a lot of action! And when was that? At the 24th International Congress of the Polish Small Animal Veterinary Association.
Comparison of 5 Event Badge Printing Techiques
Are you aware that an event badge is the most frequently adopted method of verifying the identity of event attendees?
Why Do You Need a Responsive Event Website?
At first, we need you to answer a simple question. Do you use your mobile device to connect to the internet?