Case Study: RhinoForum 2016

This article is dedicated to giving you details about an event organized by the Polish Rhinology Society. We have supported that society for many years – we have worked together since March 2012.

Case Study: RhinoForum 2016

But let’s go back to the beginning. The Polish Rhinology Society is an organization open to anyone who would like to contribute to the development of Polish rhinology. To cut the long story short, the idea behind that society is to propagate modern rhinology among the community of Polish ENT specialists. And what part did CONREGO play in that? You will know all the details in a minute!

Event website

Although we have cooperated with the Polish Rhinology Society for many years, it does not mean that each successive event is a copy of the previous one. Every year, CONREGO designs a new version of the responsive event registration website, based on a promotional poster provided by the organizer of the forum. And 2016 was no exception. The website was used to publish current information about the conference, speaker bios, current programme, and also organizational information.

Forum attendee registration

Every year, Rhinoforum makes its website available to guests both in Polish and English. The same applies to the registration process. Language localization has already become a standard in event organization, not only for medical conferences, and CONREGO is simply making an effort to meet such expectations.

Organizers of Rhinoforum are experts in the field, which means that they are fully aware of the significance of introducing discounts when organizing an event. This year, CONREGO has decided to use two types of discounts: depending on (1) the type of participation, and (2) the date of registration. The latter of the two issues – rewarding early registrations – is particularly important to the organizer and we recommend taking a look at our article titled How to Encourage Event Attendees to Register Early. By implementing well-tested solutions we recommend, you will be able to initiate successive stages of organization earlier, thus saving a lot of your precious time.

What were the other tasks of Rhinoforum 2016 organization that CONREGO completed?

Let me just list them for you, in a sequence: selling tickets online, generating reports, issuing invoices, and event mailings to registered conference attendees and subscribers of the Otolaryngology Magazine. In addition, due to the fact that workshops were immensely popular, each guest had to declare which events they wanted to participate in. The system automatically blocked the possibility of selecting two sessions that would take place simultaneously. It is a simple and at the same time a very useful solution.

And what did the registration process itself look like?

It was divided into following stages:

Handling attendees at the event

For Rhinoforum 2016, we implemented the conference access control module that allowed us to control attendee access to the venue (the Check-in function) and to each of the individual sessions taking place on the premises (the Access Control function).

During the event, CONREGO was capable of handling more than a thousand guests. To make sure that things would go as planned, there were four checkpoints that registered attending participants, located throughout the venue. All checkpoints used notebooks with internet connection and QR code readers. What was important, the code readers made it possible to scan conference badges at a frequency that eliminated any queues. You will know many more details concerning the choice of equipment for such purposes if you read our article: What Equipment Should You Choose to Handle Check-In and Access Control.

What did it look like?

You must definitely see a video clip that our team made at RhinoForum 2016::

Tomasz Chrościechowski