What Payment Methods Should You Use to Sell Event Tickets?

If you are planning to organize a paid event, you are probably considering various options for fee collection and processing.

What Payment Methods Should You Use to Sell Event Tickets?

The most commonly applied method of collecting payment is by regular bank transfer. This method of collecting payments does not require integrating with any external payment gateways and it does not generate any costs regarding potential commission on transactions. However, it may turn out that the conference you are organizing will be attended by foreigners. If that is the case, it will be much easier and convenient to offer credit card payments and sell event tickets online.

Credit card

It is particularly recommended to offer credit card payments if participants attending your event are not citizens of your own country. For such attendees, the cost of a bank transfer will probably be quite high and it will be difficult to collect it from the payer, which means that it will be covered by the recipient. When using a credit card, its operator will charge a commission but this cost can be foreseen, unlike the premium of banks that do not carry out SEPA transfers (in the case of the European Union). Most payment processors make it possible to accept payments with VISA and MasterCard credit cards. However, if you expect your guests to make payments using American Expresss, do not forget to ask your operator whether it will be possible, as it may not be a standard service. Make sure that your event management platform can be integrated with the selected payment gateway, regardless of the payment processor you choose.

Quick transfer

Based on my experience, this option is usually used by individual attendees because corporate and public sector representatives usually do not have access to the bank account of their employer. Just like credit cards, making this method available requires integrating your registration software with a payment gateway.

Other payment methods

Transactions made through PayPal, Stripe, or Braintree are becoming more and more popular around the world. It is very fast and easy to integrate them with CONREGO. The commission they charge might be much higher than the one charged by your local payment processors. It is worth considering global operators if you have attendees from around the world.

CONREGO software is one of the first registration platforms that integrates with a payment platform which allows attendees to pay with Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Making payments when the event is in progress

If there is a reason for you to accept payments when the event is already in progress, you need to take into consideration the fact that this payment method requires using a cash register if attendees pay in cash, or a credit card terminal if they use credit cards. It takes some time and requires trained personnel at event check-in to process on-site payments and prepare the necessary equipment.

Integrating electronic payment methods with CONREGO

CONREGO offers easy integration with a wide range of payment gateways:

Sign a contract with one of the providers and you will get the configuration data you enter in the registration system. However, be aware that the decision to cooperate with any operator should be made as early as possible, as company verification procedures and contract processing can take up to 5 weeks.

Tomasz Chrościechowski