Event Registration Experts' Blog

Tons of knowledge, practical applications, and valuable insight we accumulated throughout the decade, at your fingertips.

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7 Ways Event Registration Software Will Improve Every Event

If you already know how the event registration software works... how exactly will it make your team work better?


Field Inspection, or Things to Check Before Booking a Conference Venue

The place of a conference, workshop, gala, or training is probably one of the most important aspects of organizing an event. It’s worth spending some time on. It is obvious to anyone who has experienced a gap between expectations and reality.


How to Employ Video in Event Promotion?

They say video is the future and soon a vast majority of content on the internet will be in fact video. It is particularly important in marketing as it’s the strongest tool for communicating brand values and building its expert image.


9 Tools to Help You Promote Your Event

Event promotion is an indispensable part of any event. What should you do to make it easier? Use the right tools, of course!


5 Problems You Want to Avoid at Check-in

The check-in is the attendee’s first direct contact with the organizer. It’s like a first impression - you can make a good one or a bad one. In today’s article you will learn how to avoid the latter!


Event Apps & Registration Go Together Like a Horse and Carriage

Do you run event promotion in your company? Or maybe you are thinking about this form of reaching customers and building your brand? Please, take a seat for 5 minutes and answer a few questions.


Why You Should Employ Brand Monitoring in Event Promotion

Are you organizing a paid event, a free one, one-time, cyclical? I know you will do your best to ensure its success. That’s why you’re the one organizing it. Know, however, that an event is a product. And branded products sell better.


How to Become a Successful Event Manager?

For starters, you need to feel the flow. You can feel if it’s for you even at the very beginning of your adventure in the event industry. If organizing events - with all its benefits and drawbacks - is a job you are capable of loving.


Instant Communication With Event Attendees by Text Messages

A conference website, mailing campaigns, social media and push notifications from mobile applications sum up to quite a few channels of communication with attendees, but is that everything?


How to Convince Your Manager That a Registration System Is Indispensable?

An event registration system is meant to facilitate the work of event organizers - seems obvious.